About Jim Spurlino
Advocate, Businessman, Author
Jim Spurlino was a candidate for Congress in Ohio’s Eighth Congressional District in 2016. He is the founder of Spurlino Materials, a nationally recognized supplier of construction materials.
For more than a decade, he has been active on a range of issues, including small business, construction, transportation, and early childhood issues pertaining to at-risk families.
Soon after college, Jim began his company with a personal investment of $40,000 and lots of hard work. He built a business that began with a local reputation for quality products and excellent service into a firm that was nationally recognized. The company’s notable achievements included supplying concrete for the Bristol Motor Speedway and the Indianapolis Colts stadium. After seventeen years, Jim realized the full value of his efforts when he sold his company for $30 million—not a bad return.
He has been a longtime advocate for good government, speaking at the local, state, and national levels. His board service has been wide-ranging and includes the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Ohio Concrete, Every Child Succeeds, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), and Council for a Strong America.
He has been a longtime advocate for good government, speaking at the local, state, and national levels. His board service has been wide-ranging and includes the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Ohio Concrete, Every Child Succeeds, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Council for a Strong America, Prenatal-To-Three Policy Impact Center, and Ohio Kids First.
He is a graduate of the University of Dayton with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA.
What is it really like to run for Congress?
In 2015, Jim Spurlino decided to run for the congressional seat recently vacated by longtime Ohio congressman and Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner. Though he had no political experience, he—like many other Americans—had been a passionate observer of national politics. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make a difference.
In 2015, Jim Spurlino decided to run for the congressional seat recently vacated by longtime Ohio congressman John Boehner. Though he had no political experience, he—like many other Americans—had been a passionate observer of national politics. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make a difference.
Running as an outsider with a background as a successful owner of a construction materials company, his campaign was a test of the system—to see if a moderate candidate from outside the political establishment could bring fresh thinking to the public conversation.
In the course of a four-month campaign in the Republican primary, he encountered the good, the bad, and the ugly: heartfelt supporters; hardball consultants; endless, mind-numbing fundraising calls; smear campaigns; and even blank manila envelopes with damaging information. In the end, he walked away with 7 percent of the vote and an education in modern American politics.
Losing Our Elections captures what life is really like for political candidates—how and why campaigns are run, the pressures they face, the compromises they make, and the failures of the system—and presents a compelling roadmap for getting our country back on track.
“Losing Our Elections presents a candid and captivating look at the challenges of seeking office in a polarized America. Though many of these revelations are discouraging, the book is fundamentally optimistic, providing a roadmap for debate over needed election reforms. It is a must-read for anyone considering elected office and a great read for everyone who cares about governing our divided country.”
“In Losing Our Elections, Jim Spurlino tells a story that is as cautionary as it is gripping, exposing the incentives baked into our political system that give way too much power to the most extreme voices in our country at the expense of working families and common sense.”
“An intriguing window into Republican primary politics.”
Kirkus Reviews
“I’m often asked why so few pragmatists run for Congress and why so many extremists get elected. This entertaining and highly readable book explains how winning primary elections requires actions that pull candidates to the ideological poles and are inconsistent with becoming an effective legislator. Losing Our Elections offers a thoughtful list of electoral reforms that I hope our country will adopt.”
“Engaging, fast-paced, candid, and alarming. In Losing Our Elections, Jim Spurlino reveals what it’s really like to run for Congress as a first-time candidate. It’s a must-read for anyone thinking about running and for all who are troubled by the influence of Super PACs on U.S. elections.”

Effective & Practical
Written for entrepreneurs from all walks of business and life, Business Bullseye provides the tools, insight, and guidance needed to launch your business to new heights. With a realistic perspective and accessible, clear advice, Spurlino outlines a variety of universal concepts that emphasize establishing a concise bullseye, and the necessary steps to taking dead aim and hitting it.
“I bore witness to the fact that Jim took ‘dead aim’ in building his company into a superior and successful supplier of the world’s most commonly used material, concrete. However, even more impressive was that along the way he also took ‘dead aim’ at always living/operating by the golden rule: establishing, sharing, and abiding by a core set of values. Learn from Jim, as I have, by reading Business Bullseye.”
“As with his business career, Jim nails it with this book. His use of real-life experiences (many of which are entertaining and humorous) to translate critical business concepts is perfectly crafted. For anyone who wants to start or grow a business, Jim provides invaluable direction. Business Bullseye is a fun read.”
“In Business Bullseye, key leadership lessons are brought to light through vivid, real-life stories—some of successes, some of failures—which provide readers the opportunity to learn from someone who has launched a successful business. Including candid self-reflection, this book touches on every important aspect of creating and sustaining a successful business.”
“Business Bullseye is a book for all small business owners that is full of lessons on the importance of culture building, integrity, fact-based decision making, and having a learning mindset when building a valuable business. Jim Spurlino demonstrates that companies in highly competitive markets can create enduring value with the right target and the right team.”
“Business Bullseye is full of insights about the principles, values, strategies, and practices that drive successful businesses: big, medium, or small. It’s a business leadership manual like none other I have read. A must-read for aspiring as well as current business leaders.”
Want to learn more about Jim? Get in Touch!
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Jim Spurlino is available for interviews, features, book events, speaking engagements, and appearances.
For press inquiries, please contact sky@amplifypublishing.com.
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